Hello Security Team :)
i know the following letter is very long, but please take the time. I will report here a man who is apparently using Couchsurfing to sell girls as whores to his customers.
Jaimes Bond contact me via PM (i think you can check them by urself)
later we change to Facebook, couse the Chat is much easyer than all the PM´s here.
We talk a lot and i had already dicided to visit Porto the week after, and had no Host for the Weekend so had time to visit him in Lisboa.
At the 5th Feb.i take the train to Lisboa.
Luckily i miss the first Train and had 2 hours to wait
while that i went to a Internetcafe and read an other invitation to Lisboa from ClaudiaTeresa
She would like to host me …
So i answer her that i already have a host, and that i go there honestly just becouse he is a realy hot one ;) i add also that he had no references and a less filled profil, so she should look again online in the evening, maybe i will looking despratly for a host wehn i don´t feel safe.
Lisboa: I meet him and we went to his flat... he seems nice and everythging, so i ask him for his LapTop to check Facebook and CS.
On CS Claudia already answered that i should be carefull if the name from my Host is Paulo Brasilero couse he is very Dangerous host. I was a bit frightend but not scared, becouse i was thinking first that he maybe had receve bad references becouse he get a little to close to some girls (witch i was thinking i can deal with). The CS name of him was Jaimes Bond, yes! But on FB and Skype he use Paulo Brazilero.
I answer to Claudia that he seems nice and that i just come online to tell her that.
What was the problem with him ?
Claudia was online so i stay also online and wait for the answer. After 15 minutes online he said that he had to fix something on the phone
„internet off for 1 Minute or so“
After 5 Minutes the Internet was not back
I sayed that i see something on FB and that maybe something at home is not ok,
so i have to get back to the Net, as fast as possible .
He played with the phonebox but the signal hold never long enough to login.
After 30minutes i went realy scared, couse i hadn´t wrote down Claudias Cellphonenr. and feeld more and more uncomfortable , around him.
I do no move from the LapTop he sad a thousend times that i should relax and leave the PC, but i stay to my story from the accident at home, continue to klick the reload button. (I think he try to distract me from the Net so he can continue with the notrmal proced for his pray)
After a few minutes more he went angrier and say things like „wehn you are so borring you must not stay... it was your dicision to come“ i take this as my keyword to get me out of this situation, packed my stuff and leave, looks like he was very angrie about that.
I contact Claudia and i´m so glad she warnd me, becouse later she tell me why is Dangorus.
Claudia heard that he also offers female students rooms for free via CS. Some may think „oh ok he is hot maybe sleep with him once a month is no problem more a plus ;)“ ( Thats probably the reason why the Police is not after him, couse women like me comes here open for a flirt and a ONS, but its a huge difference in the end if i make the desicion or if he force me to make this desision.)
Anyway its not he who Rapes you NO! he does somthing much morel horrobyl with the poure Womens if heard of.
He make the womens drunk, and helpless and than comes one of his customers, pay, and than he let THEM sleep with the womens!!!
To me it looks like he is a Pimp and that in the discustingt way if ever heard of.
Anyway his profil has already been deleted twice couse he use CS also for comercial stuff like his flatts. (he tell me that he has 3 flatts one for his one use and 2 to rent for Students)
Please if you read this until here, i already thank you for that. But now comes what i´m asking for
If you delete him he might not even be asking why, couse he knows why, and he don´t care.
It looks like he does this already for a while and don´t care if he needs a new profil, again.
Please don´t say just „he hadn´t do anithing by this name we can´t delete him“
Please give him a live long bann, he is the worst thing that can happen to CS, please protect your users.
If possible i also begg you to contact al other CSers he contact in the last time to warn them!
If there are more questions bevor you can delete him, just ask
You can also contact ClaudiaTeresa she knows everything, and more.
A hopefully and still convinced CS user
PS: after i was away, he logged in on my FB delete all my photos, 30th of my best friends there, and set all my privatciy setings on „All“ and changed his own FBname.
Yes i´m real angry about that as well, and i add this just to show that he is obviusly not trustworth, and the change of his FBname also looks like he think „ its time to creat a new identity“... couse he know that i will report him (in FB as well.)
...again thank you for reading that all. Wish you a nice day and a bright sunshinny day :) bye
o0 o0 o0 OmG!!! Was 'ne krasse Scheiße! Alter, da kannst du ja echt froh sein, dass du noch glimpflich da weggekommen bist.
AntwortenLöschenJetzt versteh' ich das Facebook-Drama auch. Was'n dämliches Arsch!! Haben die von CS schon geantwortet?
So ähnlich, da ich gehört habe das das CS-Security team eine lahme Ente ist hab ich 2 Tage nach dem ich den Brief getippt habe einfach selbst die offensive gestartet.
AntwortenLöschenHabe mir ein Fakeprofil angelegt und ihm eine BadReference hinterlassen (in der es möglicherweise so aussieht als ob ich ein Opfer gewesen währe) in der ich aber mal abgesehn von "He is a Rapist" nicht wesentlich mehr geschrieben habe als das mir niemand glauben muss, aber alle alleine reisenden Frauen sollen sich einfach nur an die Grundregeln halten und eben nicht doof(wie ich) zu jemandem gehn der keine Referenzen hat und so ein schlecht gefülltes Profil.
Am nächsten Tag war sein Profil gleich weg, das war er sicher nicht selbst, den mein neues Fakeprofil war auch gleich weg.
PS: und ich schau ab und zu ob er sich ein neues angelegt hat ;)da mach ich dann das selbe